Item Management 2.0

Revamp the current Item Management System to cater to the needs of each department.

The Context:

AccuV requires a new Item Management System to meet the needs of all departments.

My Role:

Product Designer (Research / UX / UI)

The Objective:

Create a user-friendly system with centralized data, intuitive interface, robust search, and seamless integration for all departments.



The expectation for the new system:

· What departments could be benefited from the new system?

· Current frustrations and pain points?

· What the teams really need?

Intensive commutations with different departments

· Questionnaires through emails

· Meetings with teams

· Gather information and investigation


· Different teams have distinct requirements from the shared data.

· Item data need to be updated by different departments regularly.

· The current search function is inadequate.


Overwhelmed with insights, we needed to start prioritizing to form a strategy.

· Understand pain points, desires, and needs of the users.

· Categorize and classify all the gathered insights.

· Present our synthesis to stakeholders.

Jumped into secondary research to form our product strategy and experience.

· Affinity map.

· Prioritized user painpoints, wants and needs.

· Presented the insights to stakeholders.

Affinity map

(Interesting Takeaways)

· Different department update specific portions of the raw data.

· We can potentially provide an API to suppliers for uploading data sheets.

· Each team need to generate new files from raw data.

User journey map

(Interesting Takeaways)

· IM1.0 requires significant post-retrieval work.

· No dedicated pages for individual departments.

· Some data is not updated.

Key takeaways

· Data need to be updated by deifferent departments regularly.

· Unique sheet templates are necessary for each department to update data.

· Search function is key to improve proficiency.


User Flow Rebuilt

IM 1.0: One department handles all responses, while the other departments retrieve the same raw data.

IM 2.0: Customized modules have been developed for each department while still retaining shared functions.

Create / Update Items

Search Items

Filter Search Content

Information Architecture Rebuilt

Information Architecture is rebuilt to serve better each department's needs.

Layout Anatomy

By employing an end-to-end design language, we crafted user experiences that were intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly.

Design System

The design system followed a consistent approach to ensure that all elements were cohesive and worked together seamlessly to create a unified user experience.

UI Samples

Below included a selection of UI samples. 300+ UI pages produced in total.

Key Findings:

  • Building a project that has already been established brings unique and thrilling challenges that differ from starting from scratch.

  • The team is crucial to the success of the project, as the collaboration of talented individuals is what led to the impressive results.

  • A clear and concise design is essential for effectively communicating information to any audience.