Set in the popular multimedia universe of Conan The Barbarian, Funcom’s popular 2018 survival title gives players control over a convicted criminal sentenced to death in The Exiled Lands. Initially saved by the titular hero, players are free to explore the wastelands of the fictitious, prehistoric setting, forging their own path to survival.
While the game features the ability to play exclusively against the enemy AI, the true adventure lies in the highly populated player-versus-player servers, where gamers are forced to scavenge for food and water while simultaneously defending their meagre resources from competing survivors. As players progress, they earn experience points to level up their custom-made character, encouraging groups of like-minded exiles to band together to pool resources, build fortifications, and overcome the odds.
With consistent updates from both the developers and third-party content creators, a number of new biomes, items, and gameplay elements have been introduced to the world of Conan Exiles, keeping the experience as fresh, engaging, and innovative as the day is was first released.
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