Modern video games can be quite demanding-in order to run and manage these titles, specialised server configurations are often required. Gaming generates a lot of traffic with huge data transfers, and consumes more bandwidth as they are continuously and simultaneously attempting to process and synchronise the actions of hundreds of concurrent users. Requiring low latency, ping, and fast data transfer rates in order to keep up with the performance that players demand, gaming servers often need to be built with more powerful, cutting-edge components as opposed to traditional servers.

We support a huge range of popular PC titles including—Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Battlefield 1, ARK: Survival Evolved, Starbound, ARMA III, Garry’s Mod, Left 4 Dead 2, Insurgency: Sandstorm, Conan Exiles, Quake Live, Killing Floor 2, and Minecraft.
Our powerful voice servers provide secure chat channels on the most popular VoIP platforms—Mumble, Teamspeak 3, and Discord.
Don’t worry! Whether you elect to go with our managed or unmanaged services, we are here to help you work out which level is best for you. Our friendly specialists are always available to discuss your requirements and available options in order to determine the hosting plan which suits you best.
If you already know what you need, you can go ahead and purchase your chosen package directly from our site. If, however, you would like some guidance in your selection, or would simply like to learn more about our services, then we are always available to help. Simply contact us here.

We pride ourselves in helping you build a precise hosting solution by offering services dedicated to your needs, and make every effort not to under or overestimate. However, in the event that you need to scale your plan up or down, we are always happy to discuss your options and make the necessary changes.

No problem. We offer access to cloud and dedicated bare-metal servers for a variety of companies who simply need access to a server and are more than capable of managing it themselves.
It takes only a few minutes to get you connected. As soon as your payment is processed, you will receive an email confirming that your server is ready for use. You will then be provided with further instructions regarding your specific server passwords, access codes, and control panels.
It’s simple! If you are currently relying on the hosting infrastructure of another company, we are more than happy to arrange for the migration of your site to a server.
Our friendly and knowledgeable support team is available to help you with any technical issue you may have with your server. As a managed program customer, you will also receive a completely flexible, optimised, and consistently monitored hosting solution.