Following the destruction of Earth, a lone spaceship careens through the stars, lost in space. Its only passenger? The player. Encouraging gamers to explore the vastness of space alone or with their friends, this title from Chucklefish games features open-world exploration across a variety of immersive, procedurally generated planets.
With thousands of items to collect, crops to farm, and the ability to terraform environments on an as-needed basis, Starbound features near limitless gameplay variety that enables players to explore the universe in ways that suit their unique, distinctive playstyles. Adding to this diversity is the robust, third-party support that gives players the opportunity to modify their servers with the ability to craft potions, become merchants, and even alter AI behaviour.
Heralded as “charming,” and “unpredictable” by critics, Starbound has captivated gamers pining for a science-fiction sandbox game since its early access release in 2013, and continues to be a popular choice for those looking for innovative, ever-changing gameplay experiences.
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